Let Grace Abound: A Call to Holiness

Romans 6:1-2
“What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?”

In Romans 6:1-2, the Apostle Paul addresses a critical question about the nature of grace and sin. To understand his message, we must first consider the preceding chapters, where Paul outlines the need for justification through faith in Christ.

Paul emphasizes that everyone has sinned and fallen short of God's glory, which creates a need for salvation (Romans 1:18–3:20). Justification, or being declared righteous before God, is available through faith, not by our works but through Christ’s sacrifice. Through His death and resurrection, His righteousness is credited to us, giving us new life in Him.

This grace is transformative. Paul explains in Romans 5:20 that where sin increased, grace abounded even more. This prompts an important question: should we continue sinning so that grace may increase?

Grace Is Not an Excuse for Sin

Paul firmly responds: "By no means!" (Romans 6:2). Grace does not give us permission to live in sin; instead, it empowers us to overcome it. When we accept Christ, we die to sin, meaning it no longer has control over us. Grace is active and shapes us into Christ's likeness.

Following justification is the process of sanctification—growing in holiness. Once justified, God's grace begins to transform our hearts, creating a desire for righteousness. Though we will not achieve perfection in this life, our growth in holiness is a sign of grace at work within us.

The Call to Live Out Our New Identity

Paul’s words remind us that grace calls us to a higher standard of living—a life devoted to God. This sanctification is the Holy Spirit's work in us. John Calvin wisely noted that justification and regeneration occur simultaneously. When we are justified, we are also regenerated, receiving new life through the Spirit.

Grace empowers us to resist sin, not to indulge in it. It invites us to live in the freedom and righteousness secured by Christ. Our identity in Him should be evident in our daily lives, reflecting our commitment to faith and holiness.

Conclusion: Abound in Grace, Abound in Holiness

Romans 6:1-2 urges us to embrace God's grace, not as an excuse for sin, but as the power to overcome it. The grace that saves us is the grace that sanctifies us, molding us into Christ's image. Let us abound in grace by pursuing lives of holiness, rooted in our identity in Christ.

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